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Friday, August 22, 2014

Upvoted: Psychedelic Narcissism [x-post /drugs]

The pseudointellectuals absolutely love the belief that they have a greater understanding of the world and that they have a softened ego. As the ego dampening effect wears off, the opposite happens. Knowledge is power and that will eventually lead to a sort of narcissistic god complex. The belief that one has a superior understand than others.One cannot believe that altering the chemicals in your brain will yield no reaction. Just because the physical effects are barely noticeable, doesn’t mean the psychological aren’t.-/u/bigbobsbignobI believe this is especially relevant to this subreddit. I’ve noticed it becoming increasingly prevalent in the last month. Just a friendly reminder. I’m not trying to be preachy or anything, I’ve been guilty of it in the past. Always remember that no one is ever superior when it comes to worldviews. This means realizing that everyone else isn’t a bunch of idiots, and that you aren’t the only one around who really gets it. via /r/Psychonaut


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