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Monday, May 13, 2013

Dance of Life

Dance of Life
Sometimes it is hard to know
Who to follow, who to oppose
Which side of a conflict is correct
Most right, or at least less wrong
Each has another side, and another after that one
In the relatively distant future
Things are even more difficult
To understand how to choose
What is right, missing a hundred years
Context — Progress of history, change
Of ideas and ideologies, factions and organizations
Of power and authority — Leaving aside questions
Of how I am where I am now, at this time
More importantly, when I am — This new world
Offers almost undreamed of possibilities
Yet unknown dangers as well, but I cannot say
I regret waking up here and now, though I do miss
The people I left behind — As far as I can tell they are gone
But perhaps there is a way for me to see them again
If I can find out how I came to be here and now
One hundred years distant from everyone I once loved
Organizations of darkness, banal evil in service to horrible goals
And ideals — Extra-dimensional creatures without compassion or ethics
Or at least from a human perspective, except in the peculiar culture
Of the darkness beyond — Our Universe of Light and Darkness
Mingle together — Forms of life completely alien to us
Except perhaps in some of our nightmares, hells — Giant insects
Communities of organization without joy or art or love
At least from our perspective — Some form of love exists there no doubt
And the swirling chaos of apparently infinite darkness, with only a little
Light — And there are some figures of light and wisdom that have dealings
With the dark powers, for their own inscrutable goals, reasons beyond
Our understanding, for now — Out of darkness comes the light
Yet within the darkness continues in its almost infinite varieties
Forms of diversity — Doorways exist between our two worlds
Universes — Guarded by agents of order and chaos, light and darkness
Sometimes close to doorways between the higher realms of pure consciousness
And our Universe — Life and love have transcended all material barriers
Deep darkness of the void beyond our dimension of mixed light and darkness
Combines in the Dance of Life with Light, the five worlds of Eternal Love
The darkness frightens us and yet exhilarates us, providing a source
And destination for all that we do not like about ourselves, others
Our world and cosmos working out the complexity and simplicity of life
In the Universe we call home, in the perhaps infinite expanse of space
Material World — Where beauty in the spiral and circle of time plays out

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