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Saturday, March 20, 2010

My Open Letter to President Obama Regarding Disarmament & Peace

Union of Concerned Scientists: President Must Match Actions to Words on Nuclear Weapons

My Open Letter to President Obama:

Disarmament Peace Activism Lobbying Environment: Nuclear Policy Review Is Key to Our Future

The goal and vision of countless millions of concerned and conscientious world citizens for total global disarmament, peace, and justice for all life is not only a worthy goal and vision, but a necessary one for the future survival of the human species as well as nonhuman life on this our home planet Earth for seven generations and beyond, as the native and indigenous teachings and wisdom of the World offer us, if we will but listen.

The shared goal and vision of millions and billions of world citizens who so desperately need the safety and security that comes from a world free of weapons of mass destruction will hopefully ensure the speedy disarmament of all the weapons.

Thank you Mr. President for everything you have done, are doing, and will do in the future to help rid the world of these awful destructive things and ensure that they will never be used again. His Holiness the Dalai Lama so wisely recently prhased what I am trying to communicate, that we must all disarm within ourselves to achieve lasting world peace.

We need verification and transparency by all parties in order to ensure that the dream of global and international abolition and safety, peace, and security of a world free from nuclear weapons becomes a reality in the near term future.

Thank you for everything you have done, are doing, and will do in the future to make the vision of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi of world peace, freedom, and justice a reality. God bless you, and God bless the world.

Please work with Congress and your colleagues in the community of world leaders towards the shared goal and vision of a world free from the danger of nuclear weapons. Please listen to former General Colin Powell and former Secretaries of State George Schultz and Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of Defense Bill Perry, former Senator Sam Nunn, Queen Noor, and groups such as Global Zero and the International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons.

Please stand up for democracy and against special interests and corporate lobbyists. Please work towards a peaceful, just, environmentally sustainable, free, and positive future for all American citizens, humanity, and the world.

We, all the world's countries and people, absolutely must disarm completely as soon as possible with verifiable and cooperative action and collaboration to work towards a truly peaceful, just, and compassionate future for all of humanity and the natural ecosystem of Planet Earth.

Thank you for everything you have done, are doing, and will do in the future to work towards the shared goal and dream of total global nuclear disarmament for peace, freedom, justice, and environmental sustainability, and all of the intricately interrelated and mutually interdependent requirements and necessities for the evolution and growth of the better world and peace that everyone wants and needs, the happiness and freedom that comes from having a future, peace and not destruction.

Thank you again and peace be upon you, your family, friends, community, and the world. Love must be our driving force towards imagining and creating a peaceful world and loving compassion for all humanity and nature together as one understanding, feeling, and knowledge of the essential unity of humanity with him/herself and the natural environment world.


I applaud your strong and visible leadership in reducing the threat posed by nuclear weapons. I was particularly pleased that in Prague you called for "an end to Cold War thinking" and declared "we will reduce the role of nuclear weapons in our national security strategy."

To realize that goal, I urge you to become personally involved in your administration's Nuclear Posture Review to ensure that it makes the needed changes in U.S. policy.

First, the review should clarify that the United States maintains nuclear weapons for the sole purpose of deterring the use of nuclear weapons by another country against the United States or its allies.

Second, the United States should remove its weapons from hair-trigger alert, which allows them to be launched within a matter of minutes. This opens the door to devastating accidents, which is simply unacceptable. The United States should make Russia aware of this new policy, and urge it to make similar changes in its policy and practices.

Finally, in the next nuclear reductions agreement with Russia, the United States should seek to limit the total number of nuclear warheads, and work towards the goal of complete disarmament, with as few weapons as possible, starting by reducing the number below 1,000 in the very short term.


We should do everything we can to leave a world safer, more peaceful, free, just, and environmentally sustainable to our children and seven generations into the future and beyond.

With and For Peace, Love, Understanding, Freedom, Justice, Environmental Sustainability, Disarmament, Progressive Holistic Vision for a Better World for the Future and Seven Generations and Beyond.

Thank you for everything you have done, are doing, and will do in the future to make the world a better place and attain the dream and vision of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, and countless others: peace, freedom, and justice for everyone and the whole world.

I have faith and hope that together we can all work towards a peaceful, environmentally sustainable, and just world for the future, seven generations and beyond.

Peace, Peace, Peace Be Upon You, Your Family, Your Community, and the Whole World, Both Human and Nonhuman.


Joshua Oakley


Some Good / Interesting / Important Links for Information / Activism:

Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day / night depending on where you are in the world! Peace!

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